"Bella and Edward's Honeymoon"
"This week's challenge we will focus on the honeymoon scene from Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. If you haven't read this book beware there are serious spoilers ahead...
"I'm nothing if not thorough" - Edward Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 5, pg 78.
" He didn't ask me what I was thinking, which was out of character for him. I guessed that meant he was just as nervous as I suddenly was." - Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 5, pg 79.
Breaking Dawn has so many wonderful scenes and one of my favourites is the honeymoon that Edward took Bella on after they were married. What a romantic time for them. Alone on a tropical island...sigh. This is the stuff dreams are made of."
Challenges -
Craft: Make something that you feel represents Edward and Bella's honeymoon.
Comment: Tell us about your honeymoon... (Just the sweet romantic stuff...Not too much info please!!). Did you go somewhere or see something special? Or did you hide out from the world and enjoy being with your new spouse? If you haven't been on a honeymoon, that's ok! Tell us about your dream getaway....
This week I thought I would do something a bit different and see how a canvas would work for this challenge....So off I went to get my copy of Breaking Dawn and tried to remember which scene I liked the best, and then this passage caught my eye...
"I promised we would try," he whispered, suddenly tense. "If...if I do something wrong, if I hurt you, you must tell me at once." I nodded solemnly, keeping my eyes on his. I took another step through the waves and leaned my head against his chest. " Don't be afraid," I murmured. "We belong together." I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words. This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it. His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him, summer and winter. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire. "Forever," he agreed, and pulled us gently into deeper water.
-Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 5, pg. 85.
"I'm nothing if not thorough" - Edward Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 5, pg 78.
" He didn't ask me what I was thinking, which was out of character for him. I guessed that meant he was just as nervous as I suddenly was." - Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 5, pg 79.
Breaking Dawn has so many wonderful scenes and one of my favourites is the honeymoon that Edward took Bella on after they were married. What a romantic time for them. Alone on a tropical island...sigh. This is the stuff dreams are made of."
Challenges -
Craft: Make something that you feel represents Edward and Bella's honeymoon.
Comment: Tell us about your honeymoon... (Just the sweet romantic stuff...Not too much info please!!). Did you go somewhere or see something special? Or did you hide out from the world and enjoy being with your new spouse? If you haven't been on a honeymoon, that's ok! Tell us about your dream getaway....
This week I thought I would do something a bit different and see how a canvas would work for this challenge....So off I went to get my copy of Breaking Dawn and tried to remember which scene I liked the best, and then this passage caught my eye...
"I promised we would try," he whispered, suddenly tense. "If...if I do something wrong, if I hurt you, you must tell me at once." I nodded solemnly, keeping my eyes on his. I took another step through the waves and leaned my head against his chest. " Don't be afraid," I murmured. "We belong together." I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words. This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it. His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him, summer and winter. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire. "Forever," he agreed, and pulled us gently into deeper water.
-Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 5, pg. 85.
So...I am still a little unsure about my canvases...I guess, I am still finding my style, which to me is half "scrapbooking" and half "painting".... But I thought, what the hey, and just went with what felt right.... And this is what I came up with...

I used the "Forever" out of the passage that I liked and then used that as my basis of inspiration..... I am still experimenting with using torn paper and paint together and trying to get it all to work... But I don't think it came up too bad....

Now if you want to join in all the fun we just have a few guide lines for you to follow...
For posting to a blog: Please indicate you are playing along with the Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge on twilighttuesday.com and please provide a link back to the Twilight Tuesday site.
For posting on another site such as Splitcoaster Stampers or Flickr: Please indicate that you are playing along with the Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge on twilighttuesday.com and please provide a link back to the Twilight Tuesday site. Please use the appropriate keywords for the challenge; an example is TTIC38 for challenge 38. No number signs (#) or spaces are needed in the keyword. You can also add in more general keywords for Spiltcoast/Flickr (such as Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge, etc).
Comments/Posting your link: Please leave a comment on Twilight Tuesday with a link to your challenge piece to tell us you played along. Then we can come and visit you and leave lots of lovely comments..... And don't forget leaving a comment will also get you entered into this week's blog candy giveaway....
Before you go and wow us with the fantastic ideas you have go checkout what the other wonderful ladies on the DT at Twilight Tuesday have come up with...You won't be disappointed!!!
Beth ~ Dani ~ Eve ~ Jen ~ Julie ~ Rebecca
And fellow Guest DT Members
Alison ~ Jacquie
Andy and I didn't have our honeymoon straight away we had to pay for our own wedding and there just wasn't enough money after...But a couple of years later we went to Singapore with another couple and it was really fabulous...I don't know if I would go back...America seems to be very high on my list at the moment...So many friends I want to meet!! But I am so glad we went!
Ok, so go and create....
Ok, so go and create....
Oh Donna! This is fantastic! What a brilliant idea! I think itt was a totally unique take on the challenge! What a beautiful job! You are def. a painter!
I really like that!
That canvas is amazing. You put so much work into it and if really paid off!
Gorgeous, Gorgeous, gorgeous!!! Another thing to knock my socks off with, you are an AMAZING painter Don!!! i LOVE this!!! you keep making those butterflies irresistable to me, I am going to have to go out and find them and buy them! lol
I am sure you will inspire everyone with this, great job!! hugs!
OH MY EDWARD - are you kidding me with this?! This is amazing!! This looks like you spent about two weeks making this. Or maybe it would take ME that long. And thank you again for my birthday goodies -- that was SOOO very nice of you to do!
Holy crap! That is amazing! You are amazing! Great job!!!
OME!! This is just wonderful!!
You create such a lovely canvas. I am in awe!!!
Beautiful Don,your so clever.
OH MY EDWARD. You are killing me. This is just amazing. It's a brilliant idea like Alison said and you executed it fantastically. I love the cut and paste words... that was a stroke of brilliance. Really really nice job!
This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful! I hope you had fun while you were out of town! Thanks for sharing a little about where you were going!
Speechless. Well, actually I am doing a lot of gasping and cursing, but that just doesn't translate well into a comment window! :) Amazing. Just - wow.
{gasp!} your canvas' are soooo incredibly amazing! I love them and you do a beautiful job!
Donna this is wonderful! I love this style. How creative! Love it, love it, love it! ~ ScrappyTwiholic
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