I look at this post and think to myself...I have put way to many photo's on here, but what are you gonna do?! So I will
not ramble on and on I will just tell you who, why and when...deal?
This is Em, Ryan and Cam at the Naracoorte Caves Entrance...In front of the big wombat looking thing that roamed around the place thousands of years ago...

This is my not so very good photo in the caves....The kids loved the caves!

Ryan and Cam looking over the big sink hole that is right smack in the middle of Mount Gambier...

Cam, Ryan, Ella, Emily and Brooke. I just thought this was cute!

Cam, when we went to see The Blue Lake.... Remember how I told you it was a dormant volcano...

My version of the photo that I put on in an earlier post.... This is the pumping station and some of the lake...

This is the tower on the tallest part of the volcano...You can walk right up to the very top of it...Well, you could when I was a little girl. We didn't go because
1. I could just imagine us all getting caught in the rain and
2. It's a
really steep hill...come on!

The kids climbing the face...

The Lake.

Em....Looking very cute!

Ella...without her two front teeth!

Cindy and Ella... Love this photo too!

This photo is of one of the many sink holes aroundMount Gambier...It is call Umpherson's Cave after the man who fell in it...I mean found it! Lots of weddings happen here and it is really beautiful in spring, we will have to come back!

Wendy...Don't kill me honey...I like this photo!

Em, Cam and Ryan. As I said these are only just a few of the photo's I took...But I would be here all day if I put the rest on.....
Beautiful pics Donna.
Those children are gorgeous. I love the one of their backs. And that Ella without her front teeth is a cutie! Em too (but you know us Em's... that goes without saying hahaha).
Thanks for sharing...
I am glad that you had a lovely holiday and shared some of your photos with us, Donna. Now, kids back to school and Donna, back to creating. So get cracking!
gorgeous Don, love the one of Cindy and Ella.
Somehow I missed this post earlier. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures!!! They are amazing and make me wanna hop on a plane right now. #3,6,8,9,11,12, and 14 are my faves.
beautiful pictures! Your boys are so handsome, they look like they had so much fun!! Thanks for sharing these!
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