One of the enigmatic things about Twilight is that every book aside from Breaking Dawn revolves around the school year. Twilight ends with Prom and New Moon picks back up as school starts again, likewise with Eclipse. I always wonder what Edward and Bella did with their summer vacations, especially that summer between Twilight and New Moon and as summer is creeping upon us rather rapidly with the summer solstice is just under two wees away on June 21st I thought it would be fun to celebrate summer this week!
As a teacher and a mom summer is a HUGE deal to me. It's a wonderful albeit short break from all things work related and is a wonderful rejuvenator to get me ready for the next school year. And lets not forget my kiddos, I get to spend all summer with my kids. It's the best of both worlds, I get to be a working mom and a stay at home mom and I love it! We spend our summer hanging out at the pool, fishing at the lake, visiting the zoo, and just cramming as many fun activities in as we can.
Now on to the challenges!
Creative Challenge:
Your creative challenge this week is to go all out and celebrate summer! You can create a Twilight themed summer piece or you can celebrate your own summer plans or a fantastic summer that has passed.
Those of you participating on the other side of the world from those of us in the US/Canada are just wrapping up your summer... your task is similar to above, celebrate something wonderful you did this summer or focus on Bella and Edward's possible summer adventures.
Comment Challenge:
Do you have a favorite summer adventure of your own? I want to hear about it! It could be from your childhood or currently. Do you have any exciting things planned for THIS summer? I'd love to hear about those too!!
Remember: Each comment you leave on a TTIC challenge is an entry into this month's Blog Candy Give Away!!!
Awwwwww come on Jen! It's 15 degrees here....( for all my American friends...That's bloody COLD! ) and raining outside, how am I supposed to celebrate when I am freezing my butt off!
Well let's look at what the other ladies on the design team have done......
Rebecca ~ Margie ~ Dani ~ Beth ~ Eve ~
And us Guest Designers
Now let's see if I can motivate myself into a summery mood........
Ahhhh Bondi in Summer.....That's helping.......

Yummmm, Taylor with his shirt off....Oh it's raining! Maybe that's not what I was quite after.....

Alright.....Time to be serious! Now, this is what summer is for us...Going to Victor Harbour with the boys and exploring Granite Island.... Eating ice-creams when we get back to the main land and sitting in a nice air-conditioned car on the ride home! Taking the boys swimming, eating watermelon, shorts! I miss wearing shorts, taking photo's, reading in my hammock......That is my summer!

Now join in and play along with us! Here are a few things that will make it easier for you: For posting to a blog: Please indicate that you are playing along with the Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge on TwilightTuesday.com and please provide a link back to our site. For posting on another gallery, such as Splitcoast Stampers: Please indicate that you are playing along with the Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge on Twilighttuesday.com and please provide a link back to our site. Please use the appropriate keywords for our challenges; for example - this week's keyword TTIC34. You can also add in more general keywords for SCS (such as Twilight, Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge, etc.). Thanks For Looking... Xx
You are too funny!! Sorry you are stuck in the cold! I LOVE your card!! The boys are cuties!
Donna- that is adorable! Thanks for the morning giggles as well. I love the little stamp you used!
This is so pretty! I love that you used layers! /the colors are great too!
This is just lovely and so summery! I can imagine how tough it is to do a summer card when you are not having warm weather -- but you pulled it off! Welcome to the team - we are very happy to have you!
I am so sorry you are so cold! Your card is really lovely!! :)
Welcome to the team!!!
Sending warm breezes from FL! LOVE LOVE LOVE your card and the pics of Bondi beach!
WELCOME, WELCOME, {{Donna!!!}} It is SO exciting to unveil your first 'official' project - I am all aflutter! (Ok, the pictures helped... lol) This card is AWESOME! PERFECT for summer! LOVE the stamp, too! How stinkin' cute is this card, girls???
Hahaha!!! I knew when I made this challenge that you were going to hate me, lol. But you handled it well and just think when you are basking in that beautiful Australian summer we will all be freezing our keesters off here in the US.
And those pics... is that really Taylor?? (read: my jaw is on the floor and is that tattoo I spy?) And Rob... oh my.
Now that card you made is flippin' STUNNING!!! I love the crisp colors and the fun stamp and the perfect coloring! BEAUTIFUL!!!
I hope this challenged at least warmed you up a bit. :D
I am drooling. There's no other way to describe myself right now. I'm drooling over the Australian coast and totally jealous, and drooling over your card. Your card is GORGEOUS! I adore the popped up images and the colors! You are a rockstar! Welcome to the team! I'm so glad you're here!!
So sorry you are freezin :*)
Your boys are adorable!
Your card is beautiful! Great job! So happy to be working beside you ;)
I really enjoyed the giggles. Thank you! LOVE the pics of our Twilight hunks. The boys are really adorable! Your card... FABulous!! Love the layers and the colors!
My idea of summer was the day after christmas last year when we were all out under our gazebo drinking and nibbling on leftovers while the kids were playing and running under the sprinkler. I will always remember that day. I was so relaxed and had a smile on my face all day. Love your card
I came over from Eve's blog to check out the guest designers and WOW! Super cute card and I love your blog post...I was giggling! Sorry it's not summer for you yet but it'll come soon !
You know it could have been a summer shower(Jacob)still can't believe that boy is only 17,*sigh*
I have that stamp too, it's so cute. Have to admit though that it has only seen ink a couple of times, must remedy that soon.
Your card is so cute and fun!!! Love the pics of Taylor and Rob!
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