"Special Collaboration With Artful INKables"
Wow! What a truly exciting, on the edge of my seat, kind of experience I have had this week. Not only did I get totally spoiled with new stamps from Artful INKables to play with (better late than never!). I also have had a bit of a personal challenge to over come....But more about that later!
It has been a very big week at Twilight Tuesday. Julie, who is hosting this weeks challenge, along with Tonya have been soooooo busy organising this fantastic collaboration with Artful INKable's Kristin Soboloski. This week we are celebrating the realise of Artful INKables two new stamp sets "Into The Moonlight" and "Fictionally Inspired".
It has been a very big week at Twilight Tuesday. Julie, who is hosting this weeks challenge, along with Tonya have been soooooo busy organising this fantastic collaboration with Artful INKable's Kristin Soboloski. This week we are celebrating the realise of Artful INKables two new stamp sets "Into The Moonlight" and "Fictionally Inspired".

OME!!! I am in love with these stamp sets!!
Not to mention the "Vampire Romance - Themed Pewter Charms Set" ......got to get me some of those!!!
You need....Yes, NEED, to go and have a look at these amazing stamps! Not only does Kristin have a fantastic Blog...While you are there, please checkout the Store and not to mention the Gallery...The Design Team, wow! That's some seriously talented ladies......
Now, I know you are all thinking that it's a bit unfair that we got to play with these fantastic new stamps....So here's some exciting news! You can have some too.....
Blog Candy Give Away!
Kristin, has generously provided us with three sets of her new stamps, along with a set of the Vampire Romance Charms, to use as giveaways!
We will be giving one set a week, in conjunction with our next four Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenges. This week, the giveaway is the eight piece "In The Moonlight Set"! To enter into this random drawing, please leave a comment on any of our challenge project posts this week, today through to Monday. Yes! That's right, we will be featuring projects all week long! See below for details. Comments can be left until Monday, June 29th (that date seems familiar for some odd reason...), at 11:59 pm CST. Only one entry per person will be in the drawing, but feel free to comment as many times as you like, cause well, you know, we love all your comments!
The theme for this week's challenge (TTIC 36) is...
"What Say's Twilight To You"
So many things say "Twilight" to the multitudes of Twilight fans. What images do you think of when you think about the Twilight books and movies?
For some, Twilight means an apple, for some, the chess piece on the cover of Breaking Dawn, and for others, Bella's truck conjures up the Twilight mood. Many fans love to express their Twilight love by choosing a "team" to root for, and other's have favourite quotes from the book that are near and dear to them.
Craft Portion: Create a piece that expresses what comes to mind when you think of the Twilight Saga.
Comment Portion: Many people often say that reading the Twilight Saga has been life changing. Please share how the saga has changed your own life or made you view life in a different way.
Ok, so this week has been a little difficult for me. Living in the beautiful land "Down Under" can be a pain in the butt!! Because I just got my stamps today! Yes that's right!...Just as well I work well under pressure. Actually it wasn't as bad as I am making it sound...The wonderful Tonya (Thank You and love you!)...took pity on me and stamped and scanned some of the images so I could at least have a little play and put something on my blog!
And here it is.....

Please don't look too close, it was very rushed and I had to take the photo inside, which I hate doing, I like natural light!
And of course, this week the Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge Design Team has used Artful INKables' new stamp sets for their projects. Here are Today's:
Beth ~ Dani ~ Eve ~ Jen ~ Julie ~ Margie ~ Rebecca ~ Tonya
And Guest Designers:
Alison ~ Jacquie
And we're been SO inspired by these new stamp sets that our Design Team has created lots of additional projects with them this week! For this special occasion, we will be featuring these projects at Twilight Tuesday and on our own personal blogs as well for the rest of the week!
Don't forget that today's challenge is a team effort....Those seriously talented ladies over at Artful INKables I was talking about, well, they are playing as well...
Kristin (owner of Artful INKables) ~ Joy ~ Elana ~ Holly ~ Joanne ~ Velta
Please join in and play along with us!
If you do we have a few guidelines to follow...
For Posting to a blog:
Please indicate that you are playing along with the Twilight Tuesday Inspriation Challenge on twilighttuesady.com and please provide a link back to the site.
For Posting on another gallery, such as Splitcoast Stampers or Ficker:
Please indicate that you are playing along with the Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge on twilighttuesday.com and provide a link back to the site. Please use the approriate keywords for the challenge; for example TTIC36.
Comments/Posting Your Link:
Please leave a comment with your link to your challenge post. Then we can come and visit and admire you work and leave a lovely comment!
And don't forget - leaving a comment on this post will get you entered into this months
blog candy giveaway!
Lots of Twilight Love..
You did an amazing job with these iamges! I really love the card you made!
If that is your rushed work, you can't tell. It is beautiful. Love the colors chosen and the beautiful edging.
Donna - You deserve a HUGE round of applause -- first for being so patient while waiting for your stamps, and secondly -- for cranking out this GORGEOUS card on such short notice! It is just beautiful! I am so happy that you did get your stamps (but I'm sorry you had to rush). Thank you very much for your hard work, and for being such a good sport!
You did a splendid job! I'm always delighted to see your projects and this time is no exception! You apparently work well under pressure! You go girl!!!
GORGEOUS! Love the colors and the decorative edges/layers. No way to tell that it was a last minute creation! Really beautiful, Donna!!
I love your style, Donna! Beautiful card! You really do work well last minutely ;)
Fab job :*)
Holy Moly........ Wow I am amazed! There are perks to living down under...... You waited so patiently I know! I LOVE the colors you went with. This just shows how amazing you really are!
You work so well under pressure! Lovely card and great colors!! Amazing!!
This is really beautiful Donna! I'm always amazed at how rich your cards are. Every time I look I see a new detail. This one is no exception. And I love all the layering. Just gorgeous work.
And I LOVE twilight - just gives me goosebumps thinking about it :)
BEAUTIFUL job! OMG - I love this card!!! Awesome!
I love the warm, rich vintage feel, this is so beautiful!!
Donna... I can't even tell you how much I love this! My jaw actually dropped when I saw it! You did such a crazy good job in like no time!!! You color selection is just exquisite! You rock!!!
woo hoo, happy dance, fantastic Don, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're awesome, can't wait to see the rest of the projects you come up with. So glad you could come and stay on the weekend. And Friday, mmmm wonder what is happening on Friday not a birthday by any chance ;-)
Love you and am very very proud of you.
I make my project...
I take pics of it...
I write a post about it...
Only to find out that the quote I chose I being used by almost everyone! :P
You did a wonderful job, one of the best I've seen!
Take a look at mine?
LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors you used!
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