Monday, February 23, 2009

WOW!! I have actually made something....

I don't know how you get but I go through periods of time where suddenly I will feel like making cards and lay-outs till the cows come home....or, I feel the need to blog about every little thing that's happening in my life....or, that if I don't have the camera in my hand and start taking photo's I'll go mad.....and then I don't!

It's then that I really can't be bothered or that the two other things I love to do take up all my time....weird huh? Why can't I do all of these things at once? Because that's just me.... Anyway the creative bug has hit and I have made a few cards and a lay-out for Andy.... Oh, the top card is a anniversary card....

Andy went to see Joe in concert last year and had been bugging me to do a layout that he could hang in the office... That's why you can see a refection because I was too lazy to take it out of the frame...

This is a birthday card for my niece Lucy....who turns 4 tomorrow....

And this is a birthday card for my BIL Greg for tomorrow also...


Anne Elizabeth said...

I love the layout you did and the cards! You are very talented:)

Andrea said...

LOVE the cards, especially the anniversary one!!

Sharon said...

I love the cards Donna! Lucy's Card is very Cute! Once again I love that Layout! We need to have a day to get creative I think!

mindi said...

You are so very talented, those are lovely!!

Andrea said...

I tagged you for the Honest Scrap!

Melody said...

Great cards and a wonderful layout. You are so talented.