Sunday, June 22, 2008

Look I baked!

I really do love to cook... it's finding the time and finding a really good recipe that I might want to try. While I was down in Naracoorte Tan made home made pizza's for Taylah and Tyson's lunches, well she got me all inspired to do the same and then I thought... I'll make cookies while I'm at it and after that I thought I haven't made carrot and walnut cake for a long long time.....


1 comment :

Sandie said...

Hi Don,
Wow, I just love the photo of the biscuits all stacked up!!! I wish I could taste one as they look sooooo yummy!!
I got inspired today & baked sausage rolls for the boys lunches at work. Well, they haven't lasted that long!! They have slowly been picked at all arvo & now there may only be enough for a little smoko if they're lucky!! But it's all good - obviously they tasted good.
luv me xxooxx