Loving: I am loving that the kids are back at school and that we are back into a routine (if you read my last "currently" post you would know how ironic this sounds...). I am loving that I have a week of holidays that I am free to do what I want in.
Reading: Honestly, I really haven't had that much time to read over the holidays. I am finding that I really miss getting lost into a good book.
Eating: Ok, I have been soooooooo good from the start of January and have even lost a kilogram or two in the process. I have had no chocolate and if I get hungry between meals I am eating almonds! Let's see how long I can keep it up, but loosing some weight and getting fitter are on my goals list for this year!
Drinking: Smoothies people!! Smoothies!! I received a Ninja blender for Christmas from my boys and I LOVE IT!! I have found several really good smoothie recipes on Pintrest and on the internet (which I plan to share at a later date) so not only am I changing some really bad eating habits into healthy ones, I am feeling great too!
Anticipating: This may sound a bit corny, but I am really looking forward to the new year and all the possibilities that it could bring.
Watching: Over the school holidays I finished watching Sex and the City... all 6 seasons. I really enjoyed it and now that all my regular favourite programs have started again I am looking forward to catching up on them too.
Planning: BJ turns 16 on the 9th of February. It's kind of one of those bitter sweet moments because although he's reached that particular milestone in his life he won't get to do the things that a normal 16 year dreams of. I know HE doesn't care, but Andy and I are a little sad anyway.
Need to Finish: I really haven't got anything that I need to get finished at the moment... But the year is young!

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