Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sydney, Day Three...

Day three of our holiday to Sydney was always going to be a special day.... Especially for my youngest son who is a self proclaimed Whovian! But let me start at the beginning of the story... I was scrolling through FB a few months before we were heading off and came across a Dr Who exhibition being held in Sydney. Now first, if you don't know who Dr Who is.... Have you being living under a rock? It's a TV show based on the lives (yes, lives) of a very cool Timelord who travels with a very cool companion(s) through space and time... The show actually started in the 60's and I can remember watching it as a little girl (Just to make oneself very clear... I wasn't watching it in the 60's, I'm not that old!!) When the new version of the series started a few years back I said to Cam that I thought he might like the show... Because, you know, I do and I still don't know to this day if that introduction  was a good thing or bad because I seemed to have created a monster Whovian, this teenage boy is obsessed!! The show is celebrating it's 50th Anniversary this November and we are hanging out for the Anniversary Special....But anyway, I digress, back to the story.  I thought this would be a great surprise for Cam and I was in luck, the exhibition was still going to be on while we were in Sydney!
If you know Andy and myself you know that we love to tease our kids... Especially Cam. Not being mean or anything but we kept on and on that we had a huge surprise for him while were visiting Sydney and wouldn't even give him a clue... This drove him nuts! So the day finally came. We got in a Taxi and headed to the ABC building. When we pulled up Cam got really excited because he saw the ABC shop where the Dr Who merchandise was for sale and headed straight into the store... I let him wander in there for a minute and then called him over to me because down the side was every Whovian's dream come true... I will always remember his face. His mouth dropped open and the eyes got wide and he was in complete Dr Who Heaven.... Best surprise EVER!

The rest of the day was doing more tourist things. We visited the Sydney Tower. The tower is Sydney's tallest building and it stands 309 meters tall from top to bottom. Oh and that delicious dessert you see... OMGoodness... Sublime.... Was from a little chocolate cafe called  Guylian Belgian. If you see cafe with that name on your travels do yourself a favor and don't walk past!

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