Friday, October 4, 2013


Loving: That I have so many good friends both here and in blog land...

Reading: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I love all of Maggie's books and this one is no exception.

Eating: I find I am craving, thanks to the warmer weather, fruit salad and yogurt. I love the fresh taste it leaves in the mouth... Yum! Now I'm hungry!

Drinking: I have been on a bit of a drinking green tea thing at the moment...

Anticipating:Going away to Sydney for our family holiday next Monday! SO looking forward to getting away!

Watching: Right at this moment I am in the middle of Sex And The City, season 2. Hooked would be the word I am trying to find....

Listening To: Not much at the moment. But Burno Mars is coming to Adelaide and I have no one to go with... :(

Planning: Christmas present lists and the next 3 months. We are hosting Christmas this year so I will have to get oranized soon!

Creating:  Nothing at the moment. I have given up all card making design teams and having a break. It has been 10 years since I first started making cards.

Need To Finish: After Sydney I would really like to finish the re-decorating of our bedroom. It is 80% finished...

Wishing: That everything goes smoothly while we are away... 


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