... It's still wordy, sorry!
Psychiatry. a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment: now considered one of the autism spectrum disorders.
a tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.
The month that followed that conversation with Gerry was filled with diagnosis, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, the Autism Association, doctor's appointments, pediatricians appointments and organizing what to do about BJ's education. To top it all off, during this time BJ was also diagnosed as intellectuality disabled as well. It was also sadly, a time we found out who our friends were but luckily our family was always there for us. Not only were Andy and I trying to deal with all this new information, we had all the emotional stuff to process as well, and after things had finally settled down to a point where the roller coaster slowed down enough for us to catch our breath, we found we could start grieving for the child that would never be... To this day, I still grieve for the man he would of become.
Before we go on any further, please let me make one thing very clear. If I had one wish in my life it would be to change BJ, but not for me or for his dad or brother but for himself. Adult life for my son is going to be hard and I often think about all the things he will miss out on. Driving a car, going to Uni, falling in love, having children of his own.... That's the really hard bit for me, and that's what I grieve for. And who will look after him when Andy and I are gone?... Out of everything this scares me the most.
When BJ started Kindy Gerry was our savior. I really cannot express how wonderfully supportive she and the staff were to us and we will be forever in their debt. They say that early intervention is the key to help Autistic/special needs children and they are right. I remember those times with happiness that my little boy was getting the help he needed but also with frustration, sadness and loneliness.
We had different strategies to deal with all that pent up energy that BJ possessed and for the possibility of him having meltdowns. BJ loved the sensation of bouncing and a trampoline was used a lot when he was small. Andy also built "The Pole" which was a large wooden 16 foot pole cemented in the back yard that had different levels of steel coming out and a rope on the tallest level. This was to stop BJ from climbing onto ours and our neighbors shed roofs and to give him the hanging sensation that he needed. I know this sounds like a very dangerous thing, but BJ had no fear and honestly he never ever fell his balance is that good. We also had the option of distraction, which to a screaming Autistic child who is having a melt down because it's too bright in the middle of a supermarket doesn't always work. After awhile our pediatrician suggested we put him on some calming medication. I can tell you now this was not an easy decision for us to make and it took a lot for us to say yes, but after two different types we found one that worked for BJ and for us.
BJ's transition into school life was surprisingly easy but that's only because of the SSO's at Naracoorte South Primary. Deb, Sally and Tina. These ladies.. I have no words how much I appreciate and love these ladies. It also helped that we lived in a country town and everybody knew BJ and most parents were happy for their children to be exposed to a special needs child in their class room. Even when Cam started school nobody ever teased him about his brother. I am not saying it was all smooth sailing. We had to deal with BJ biting and hitting because he had no other way to communicate. He also freaked a lot of the parents out with his height addition and wanting the sensation of hanging from the top of the school stair case rail. At one stage I had a mother who started a smear campaign and wanted BJ to go to another school. But in general those first years at the primary school were mostly happy. Then Andy changed jobs and then we moved.
We had different strategies to deal with all that pent up energy that BJ possessed and for the possibility of him having meltdowns. BJ loved the sensation of bouncing and a trampoline was used a lot when he was small. Andy also built "The Pole" which was a large wooden 16 foot pole cemented in the back yard that had different levels of steel coming out and a rope on the tallest level. This was to stop BJ from climbing onto ours and our neighbors shed roofs and to give him the hanging sensation that he needed. I know this sounds like a very dangerous thing, but BJ had no fear and honestly he never ever fell his balance is that good. We also had the option of distraction, which to a screaming Autistic child who is having a melt down because it's too bright in the middle of a supermarket doesn't always work. After awhile our pediatrician suggested we put him on some calming medication. I can tell you now this was not an easy decision for us to make and it took a lot for us to say yes, but after two different types we found one that worked for BJ and for us.
BJ's transition into school life was surprisingly easy but that's only because of the SSO's at Naracoorte South Primary. Deb, Sally and Tina. These ladies.. I have no words how much I appreciate and love these ladies. It also helped that we lived in a country town and everybody knew BJ and most parents were happy for their children to be exposed to a special needs child in their class room. Even when Cam started school nobody ever teased him about his brother. I am not saying it was all smooth sailing. We had to deal with BJ biting and hitting because he had no other way to communicate. He also freaked a lot of the parents out with his height addition and wanting the sensation of hanging from the top of the school stair case rail. At one stage I had a mother who started a smear campaign and wanted BJ to go to another school. But in general those first years at the primary school were mostly happy. Then Andy changed jobs and then we moved.
Thank you for sharing this Donna. As you know, we are at the beginning of our journey with autism, and boy, does everything you wrote here sound familiar; we haven't even started kindergarten yet. You write beautifully. God bless you and your family.
I have no experience of autism but I found your story utterly compelling and very moving. Thank you for sharing and I very much admire your positive spirit - an inspiration to us all whatever adversity we face in our lives :-)
Hugs, Kat x
You've told your story beautifully, Donna. You and Andy are amazing parents, and I'm glad that BJ got you. :-)
Thank you for sharing your story, I found it very moving and inspirational, Jo x
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